Sprycel (Dasatinib) at Night Seems to Help Alleviate the Afternoon Yuckies!

And now I think I am Batwoman!

Maybe it is a coincidence, or maybe we are onto something here. Five days ago I started taking my Sprycel at night, before I went to bed, instead of in the morning. I began taking Sprycel in the morning from the very beginning. I am not really sure why, but I suppose it was because it just seemed like the “natural” thing to do. Get up in the morning, brush my teeth, make a cup of tea and a piece of toast, and then take my Sprycel, when the alarm I set on my phone went off. Routine, natural; just like my vitamins.

Every day since I began taking the Sprycel I would start the day off feeling relatively well. As the day progressed I began to fade and started feeling crappy. This crappy feeling was intensified by the summer heat, so I began to stay inside in the air conditioning. Staying inside helped, but I still often either needed to just sit and relax, or even take a nap. After dinner, around seven or eight o’clock at night, I would begin to feel a bit better.

I have now been taking the Sprycel at ten o’clock at night, right before bed and I am feeling better, with a bit more energy during the day. My theory is that I am sleeping through the “crappy” feeling. I do not know whether or not this trend will continue; or whether or not this is just a coincidence, but for now I am very grateful to have a bit more energy throughout the day.

It seems as though sometimes the simplest adjustments can make a huge difference. It amazes me that medical professionals do not know these little tips and tricks. I am sure that I am not the only patient on Sprycel who is suffering from side effects, and if taking the drug at a different time during the day helps to minimally alleviate any portion of these side effects then why in the world wasn’t this suggested. I will be telling my doctor on my next visit and with any luck, he will pass this “suggestion” on to other patients that are suffering from the afternoon yuckies. I will also keep you posted on my very optimistic, yet slight, improvement. I will take what I can get!


  1. Many times in life, "tweeking" something that might seem small can make a huge difference... Glad you discovered this one Michele! I am opposite you, taking "every day things" (like vitamins) is a 'bedtime' thing for me, perhaps Dr.'s "should" tell a more specific time! Always tell your Dr. is you even "think" you have discovered a newer, or easier way - with anything, we owe it to other people to "spread" the word, tell the Dr... I know my nurse practitioner appreciates feedback like this! Thank you for yet another chapter in your life, I keep reading, knowing at some point, it will all be a moot point, since you'll reach your "all clear" soon, and zoom through those cancerversaries at rapid pace, 5 years OUT from dx is right around the corner! I say, Let the Party begin! Soon! Let us all raise a glass soon to celebrate you hearing the word 'Remission' from your oncologist!
    Love to you, Julia zozo

  2. I am opposite. With CML, on Sprycel and also have sick Sinus Syndrome (have pacemaker) Initially took Sprycel at night but few weeks later woke with wheeze and severe breathless, fluid on lungs. After treatment I suggested as I know I get atrial fibrillation at night I take drug in morning.After few days felt much better and no problem since. I am very happy also as was told TOTAL REMISSION!!! Cant get much better than that, hope it lasts. Best Wishes to all

  3. Wow, so you have a double Whammy!!! I am glad you are doing so well!


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