Polymerase Chain Reaction Test, aka PCR; Results of My Second One

Two months ago I had my very first Polymerase Chain Reaction test; this test is commonly known by CMLer’s as a PCR test. It is used to monitor a person’s response to treatment. My first PCR test was done two months ago; it was actually my baseline test as I had not previously had one. The results for that test were 5.9 x 10-2, while I am still trying to grasp exactly what that means; I understand that the goal for every test is to see a reduction of the Bcr-Abl RNA or DNA in the blood and marrow.

So, my test results are in and the IS a reduction. I haven’t seen my doctor, yet, but he did send me an email and stated that it was 10 fold lower than the last one at 4.47 X10E-3. Right now I am wishing that I had paid more attention in math class and that I could really figure out exactly how one mathematical sentence related to another, but for now I will simply focus on the “10 fold lower,”  and wonder if that is a “typical” response, a “good” response” or an “over the top” response.

I suppose I shall just have to wait until my next appointment to ask him. My next appointment in near the end of August and he will be performing another bone marrow biopsy; under general anesthesia.


  1. Dear Dancer,
    Have you been to the LLS website http://community.lls.org/community/bloodcancer/livingwith/cml, you can find all the answers to your questions about what the different tests mean quickly, the board is extremely active and fun to be around. I have been taking Sprycel since Oct. '10.


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