Boise Bound; CML Coming Along for the Ride!

Flying to Boise proved to be a whole lot easier than flying to Portland. It was a straight shot and only, a one hour flight. I did feel a bit fatigued, but the excitement of having dinner that night, with a couple of very close friends, helped me to put the fatigue on the back burner.

As you may or may not know, I lived in Boise, Idaho for three years. I followed my son, daughter in law and then 6 week old granddaughter there. Almost three years ago, Joe and I met at a dance convention in Palm Springs, Ca. After playing the long distance, taking turns flying back and forth, hours and hours on the phone game, we decided that I would move to southern California; for two and a half years. The decision was made with a time stipulation of only having to endure the “city” life for the two and a half years that it would take, for him to retire. He then promised to move out of southern California; and back to Boise.

Boise holds many fond memories for me. When I first moved there, I didn’t know anyone, with the exception of my son and his growing family. My youngest son was in middle school and loved to go to the Rec Center, in Nampa, where we lived. One day, when I was dropping him off, I picked up one of their monthly bulletins. In it, was a Ballroom Dance class. I didn’t have a partner and I had never danced before, but I had always wanted to learn. I signed up and the rest is history!

I was disastrous; I had two left, pigeon toed, feet, no balance, no rhythm and I danced to the beat of my own drum. Despite my lack of talent, I pursued my new found addiction and in the process discovered an entire community of dancers, who have all become a second family to me. Boise is more than a location; it has become home, away from home.

We are spending the entire week, driving around looking for homes, during the day; and seeing and dancing with friends in the evenings.  We have an all-day dance workshop on Saturday, with a dance that night. That will be the greatest challenge, but with all of the offers of help from friends, I am sure that I will be fine.

Ahhh, it is so good to be home!


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