
Showing posts from April, 2012

WEGO Health Challenge 13; Ten Things I Would Not Want to Live Without

This Morning I Woke Up and Looked in the Mirror....

Leukemia has Prompted Me to Change My Theme Song; Can You Guess the New One?

Leukemia Prompts My New Theme Song:(re-run)

Day 19 WEGO Challenge: Dear 16 Year Old Me,

Dig Deep and Believe In Yourself!

Best Conversation I Had This Week

Cancer; What Friends and Family Want to Know

Health Haiku

Just Why Do I Write About My Leukemia?

Do Not Like New Test Results; If I Had a Super Power for One Day, I Would….

Quotation Inspirations: “I Do When I Can; I Don’t When I Can’t”, “Stop and Smell the Roses, “and “Happy Go Lucky!”

Health Time Capsule

Patients, Please Be Your Own Advocate