Back Home and Still the Black Panty Girl!

Last week was our first week back home, and our first week teaching Country 2 Step at the Borderline, in Thousand Oaks, Ca. While it is good to get away from it all, it is always good to get back home, too. When I am here, I miss my Boise dance family, and when I am there, I miss my California dance family.

If you are not a dancer, I encourage you to seek out your local dancing community and put a big “dance” toe, on a dance floor. You can actually learn online with our online dance instruction. Dancing not only brings joy to your soul, it is great exercise for the mind and body. They say that dancing helps to prevent Alzheimer’s, and for those of us with “chemo brain” that is a great benefit! In addition to all of the great “body” benefits, you will also meet a wonderful group of people. Dancing allows you to go anywhere, find the local dancers’ hang out, and fit right in. Your intimate circle will expand and your body, mind and soul will thrive.

Anyway, after finding out that my lovely, black panties made an appearance for six dances during my last competition, I guess that my bum decided to make an appearance at our class last week, as well. Yes, I lived through one of my most horrifying nightmares. I walked through an entire bar and stood in the middle of a large group of dancers, with my skirt tucked into my waistband; my whole rear end facing the crowd! Lovely, right?

This occurred as a result of my mad dash to the bathroom, during class. Since I am not one of those girls that “check” everything in the mirror before leaving the restroom, I do the usual; wash my hands and fly out the door. Lately I fly out the door even more quickly because of the consistently falling out, bad hair; I just don’t want to look in the mirror. So, I fly in and then I fly out; right back onto the dance floor, in closed dance position. Yes, in the middle of the floor with everyone watching.

Joe, who talks, or should I say teaches a lot, has me standing there for several minutes, bum sticking out for all to see; I haven’t a clue. Suddenly, I feel someone’s hand on my shoulder, I look around and Vicki whispers, “You’re skirt is up, you’re shorts are showing.” She graciously pulls my skirt out of my waistband and I turn around and say, “Well, at least I have ONE friend, Thank YOU, Vicki!!”

Thank God I was wearing actual biker type shorts and not a thong; that would have been frightening!! Once my skirt was back down where it belonged, we resumed class; just leave it to my panties; once more, trying to become the center of attention.

There are two morals to this story. One, ALWAYS take the time to check in the mirror. Two, be a friend and tell the person in question; save them from themselves’; whether it be they are dragging toilet paper behind them, their skirt is in their waist band, they have lipstick or food, on or in their teeth, their zipper is down or there are boogers in their nose, do them a favor; be a friend and tell them!! Please feel free to use my daughter’s saying for the boogers in the nose, “You have bats in the cave.”

Black panties and shorts under skirts are now, officially retired!


  1. Had to laugh Michele... When I was working in the Dental Field, to the HORROR of the Dentist I worked for, if a patient in the chair had "the barn door open" I - would tell them. Plain and simple, I was discreet, no one could hear me except the patient, and the Dr., but I would calmly say "You may want to pull that zipper up before you leave".. Yep, embarrassed a few people, but always felt like, geez, if they leave HERE, hit the mall, hit the band concert at their child's school, whatever, at some point they "would" see they'd been walking around like that, then mentally retrace every step worrying WHO all had noticed! It struck me as a kinder - gentler way than the mental anguish of later! :p IF I had been the one with the downed zipper, I knew I would be grateful to the hygienist that told me "hey"!! Rest assured, I am a potty and dash gal myself, not big on "hanging around the mirror", like you, wash the hands and dash, so the "back side" seen on your dance floor could have just as easily been mine! I love your story, yep, you have cancer, and yep, you - are still human, fallible, and Thank God you have a sense of humor about it! Don't retire those shorts and panties, they are now "a legend"! At least never toss them out, they have their own story to tell. Never heard the "bats in the cave" - gotta remember that one! ROFL Hang in there, getting better takes time, but it doesn't take dignity, not for a second! With your perfect little figure, I am sure a lot of husbands got a poke in the ribs for noticing, and yes, your friend was wonderful for "letting the cat out of the bag" OR keeping it in, however you want to "look" at it! Sending you love, wishes for a speedy recovery, and always - all the best!
    Always - Julia xoxoxo

  2. That is so funny Michelle - thank goodness for Vicki - maybe Joe already knew and just wanted to see your Bum in Bike shorts. An excuse to squeeze you tighter.

    I have a funny story. When diagnosed I also had a MRI Halo brain scan as I was also having vertigo attacks for Menieres at the time. Medicos just ruling everything out. You have to lay down on this bed and the halo goes over your head and then they turn the bed in different directions. The shock of this was enough and I had sweat over my face. You know the feeling I am sure. The whole process is only a couple of minutes. On sitting I must of wiped my eyes. With sweat from shock, mascara must of run abit, wiping eyes and face - I looked like Minnie Mouse. No-one but no-one told me - I did not go to the bathroom just left the radiologist centre. The rub of this is I went thru the foyer and thought gee everyone has gone quiet, not realising they were looking at me, they mus tof been thinking my god what do they do to people in there. I went to my car - paid an account at an office, still no-one said anything, until I was getting petrol some 2 hours later. The attendent when paying money said Luv are you alright - I said confidently of course I am WHY? and said well look in the mirror. I went to the garage toilets and OH MY GOD. Could not believe I had been walking around looking like a streaky black face rubbed in and no-one had said anything. So Funny how people are so polite. Thumbs up to the Vicki and Julias of the world xxxx Keep Well - I agree keep those black shorts - now have a meaning

  3. This has happened to me in a restaurant buffet line (a stranger told me about it) and my church. Now when I wear a skirt and go to the bathroom I triple and quadruple check it before leaving the bathroom! May as well laugh about it, right?!

  4. Yes, Sonya, I shall be triple checking it from now on!!

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