Sometimes Dreary is a Good Thing!

Today is a dreary day; it is cold and gray, no sunshine and no snow. It is the sort of day that many would find depressing, allowing the gray to dampen their spirits. I suppose that I am extremely fortunate that I am able to allow the day to envelope me, and to enjoy its’ calming effect.

I am able to lie on our love seat, legs up, on a heating pad, in front of a cozy fire, while my hard working husband is outside shoveling; what little bit of snow that we got last night. I am able to reflect on all of the blessings that I have in my life, and am so grateful to be here to enjoy them.

Living with cancer is a challenge and not always fun; it comes with its’ ups and down, its’ trials and tribulations, but it comes with its’ blessings, too. I do not take any of these things lightly and sometimes I need a dreary day to remind me of just how bright my inner light shines!

Blessing to you all; don’t forget to allow your inner light to shine; no matter how dreary the day may be!


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