Dancing Through the Pain!

I often marvel at the fact that I am still able to dance. For me, dancing is like a breath of fresh air. It brings joy to my heart and soul, and is something that I hope to be able to do for the rest of my life. I find it interesting that despite the pain in my body, I am still able to hobble to the dance floor, and dance.

I may not always be able to control my movement as well as I would like, and I may lose my balance on occasion, or miss a change in direction, but all in all, I am able to dance. It seems that the adrenalin in my body masks the pain; or is it the fact that I am simply doing something that I love so much, that I am able to ignore it?

I find it rather ironic that I literally hobble on and off of the dance floor, and if you saw me walking to the car at the end of the night, you would swear that I was a 90 year old woman, that had been run over by a car, on numerous occasions!

So, here is my wish: I wish that I could apply this phenomenon to the rest of my life; bottle up the adrenaline and sprinkle it on myself, throughout the day. Or maybe I just need to start dancing from the washer to the sink and on up the stairs; oh wait, I already do that! So why doesn't it have the same effect?

That is the question of the day!

This video was taken six months after I was diagnosed with CML; due to adjusting to medications and lifestyle changes, we have not competed since. This song was not chosen by me, but is SO appropriate!


  1. I so admire you my friend! You have always shared joy and strength with grace. You make me want to dance!!!! Love, Joyce

  2. Awwww, thanks Joyce, I always felt that you inspired me as well. Miss you my friend!

  3. I stumbled on a blog when you were 1st dx, and thought i'd see if you were still around. Well, good for you, and I SHOULD expect someone w/such passion for life, to still be getting on with life, even though you're having to drag this big nasty weighted bag of cancer crap around. Sorry, as you said, Cancer be damned. Funny, I've said the same thing. Not for myself, but for my 24yo son with ALL (leukemia). He's actually in remission, 87 days post bone marrow transplant and seems to be doing ok. I was reading the warning sign/symptoms that you shrugged off, yes, high insight, my son did the same thing, as many other's w/ca can attest too. Glad to stumble on your blog. I agree about being our own researchers and advocates for ourselves and/or our loved one. Some doctors sheepishly avoid me if possible. Mistakes have been made on their parts, one that prompted an internal investigation bc of a botched lab that destroyed lung samples, but led to the pleural effusion he still contends with. I have caught adverse effects of medications. I've asked for particular tests that did produce results. I've expected explanations as to why certain procedure's are necessary, and so on. UT Southwestern in Dallas, has one of the top oncology programs in the states. It's in the top 3 for Texas. His life has been spared bc of what they've done, but, they are not God either. It's important to remain diligent in your own treatment. With knowledge and challenging questions, the medical team knows to come with their ducks in a row. Common sense goes a long way too. God bless you young lady. Keep dancing. What beauty and grace you have, and what a good look'n partner. That in itself would keep me going!!

  4. Anonymous, I cannot thank you enough for your post! I thank you so much and truly feel your pain; I often thank God that it is me with the cancer, not any of my children or grandchildren. THAT is my greatest blessing in all of this.That coupled with the fact that I can put a small smile on the face of someone like you!
    You inspire me to keep on researching, keep on questioning and to keep on stomping my feet.
    Blessings to you and especially your son,


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