Cancer Sucks: A Tribute to Joan B. Goode

On Halloween 2013, Joan B. Goode’s life was stolen from her, by pancreatic cancer. She was a sister, she was a daughter and she was a friend. She was the first person that I met when I moved back to California, after meeting Joe. I felt as though I already knew her, as she and Joe danced together on a regular basis; he would always call me on his way home from dancing, and talk about all of the dances that he and Joan, had danced. So when we finally met face to face, it was as if she were an old friend.

I watched her dance in awe, and hoped that when I grew up, I could dance like her! She was always encouraging and ever supportive; she gave me tips and shared her secret thoughts. Looking back, I suppose that the only dream she did not fulfill, was finding that special someone to share her life with. This however did not stop her from living her life to the fullest. When you watch the slideshow put together by Cliff, you will see just how much Joan enjoyed her life; her smile is infectious and her bright light will shine on.

Reflecting on her life in this slideshow made me feel better; it shows just how much fun she had and how many different things that she packed into her life. She wasn’t a bump on a log and I guess that God felt as though she has fulfilled her purpose here on this earth, and called her home. Many believe that we should not feel sad, as her life is just now beginning……I hope to have as many “happy” faces in my slideshow when I am gone; she is an inspiration!

To those of you that knew Joan, I am certain that we can all agree, she was a unique human being, full of life. I still remember her supportive words when I was diagnosed with Leukemia, she said “All you can do is take each day as it comes and if you ever need anything, remember that I am always here.”
It is still so hard to believe that she was dancing in Fresno in May, 2013 and gone by Halloween; let this be a reminder to all:

Live life to the fullest; do not wait for tomorrow, because none of us know just how many tomorrows that we may have.

For all of her dance family, please enjoy this special tribute to Joan B. Goode and be sure to dance a dance for her!


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