Have You “Become,” Yet?

For the past few days I have been visiting my daughter and grandson, in Laguna Nigel. Besides the obvious attraction of LeeAnn and Jack, there are additional bonuses to spending a few days with them.

One of the greatest bonuses is the weather. The weather is always so much cooler at her house; than it is at mine. She lives about five minutes from the beach, so last evening we went down to the sand and sea and to my delight; I was actually “cool.” There was an ocean breeze and it was gorgeous! My crazy grandson couldn’t stay out of the water; I would have been frozen had I gotten wet. I was wearing a sweat jacket and was still chilly. We walked forever on the sand; stopping to stick our fingers in the anemones and to take a ton of pictures! It was a wonderful evening.

Another great bonus of being at my daughter’s, is that she has all kinds of “products.” Hair products, skin products, face products, you name it; she has it. Before we went to the beach, I told her that it was a MUST that I put on a “good, face sunscreen,” she handed me Clarins Sunscreen Wrinkle Control Cream; 30 SPF. It felt so awesome on my face, I knew that I had to get some, I asked her where she got it and she said, “I’ll show you when we get home.”

Bonus number three: www.Become.com. She always knows the greatest websites and I think that Become.com is going to “become” one of my favorites. It is a terrific website with cool ideas and very competitive prices. I found the Clarins Sunscreen and on a fluke, I even found the galaxy disposable gloves that I have been looking for. I use them when I paint because I am so messy. They are thin enough that I can still hold on to a paintbrush, yet not so thick that I cannot freely move my fingers. Since painting the bedroom and two bathrooms are in my near future, I am really excited to have found a place to purchase the galaxy disposable gloves. Talk about a total score! Anyway, the site is set up into “easy to find” categories and it seems that they sell everything under the sun.  Just thought I would share!

What a great two days I have had!!

See why I need the Clarins Wrinkle Guard?


  1. you girls look great!!!!!Wish i wudda knew you was down here:/


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