Bone Marrow Biopsy Success!!


Ok, so seriously, why in the world would ANYONE have a bone marrow biopsy without some form of medication? And why in the world would any doctor even suggest such a thing? I guess that there are always exceptions to this rule, such as a major reaction to anesthesia or someone that has a very high tolerance for pain, or maybe even someone that enjoys pain, but otherwise, I think that performing a bone marrow biopsy without administering drugs is simply barbaric, sadistic, inhumane and just plain brutal! Did I get my point across?

Yesterday, I had my second bone marrow biopsy, six months after being diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia. My first bone marrow biopsy was performed in my hospital bed, the day after I was diagnosed with leukemia. It was done without any pain medication or sedation of any kind; it was excruciating. I made a mental note to NEVER allow that to happen again. Fast forward six months and three doctors later and I am pleased to say that yesterday’s BMB was a breeze!

My current doctor, all of the nurses and the anesthesiologist were floored when hearing how my first BMB procedure was accomplished. They were all appalled and could not even believe that any medical professional would suggest, yet alone perform a BMB without any sedation of some sort. They all agreed that it is a painful procedure, one that does not need to be tolerated by any patient.

My entire procedure lasted approximately an hour and a half; from start to finish. I had an IV inserted into my hand, signed a few forms, spoke with the anesthesiologist for a few minutes and was given some medication, before even going into the procedure room. I had told her that I really didn’t “want” to “play bone marrow biopsy” and she told me that I really wouldn’t mind in just about 20 seconds. Amazingly she was right!
She explained that while I would be asleep, it would be a light/twilight sleep. I asked her what that meant and she said that it would be unlikely that I felt or remembered anything, but if she shook my arm and called my name that I would likely open my eyes. I looked at my doctor and told him if I felt anything that he was in trouble and if I said “Ow” to just hit me over the head with a sledgehammer. He responded, “Well, if I knew that, I would have done this downstairs in my office!”

The very last thing that I remember was being wheeled into another room and someone asking me to move over onto another bed; I remember that the bed had a warm blanket on it. I was then asked to roll over onto my side; I honestly couldn’t tell you whether or not I actually did it. The next thing I remember was being in a room with a view, Joe standing there, and several nurses saying, “Oh, you are already awake?” Yup, awake and ready to go home! No recollection at all of the biopsy. Whoo Hoo, I couldn’t have been happier. Thank God for “twilight sleep” and a compassionate doctor.

I have a vague memory of driving home and getting into bed, I slept most of the day and throughout the night. I do have a dull ache in my hip and down my leg, but compared to my last biopsy this has been a walk in the park, or should I say a Waltz around the dance floor.
Now, just praying for great results!

FaceBook: CML: A Place for Hope and Humor




  1. I've just had my third - with good results :-) I hope all goes well.

  2. Yahoo! So glad it was a beautiful waltz for you this time...

    I know it will be good results...from my mouth and heart to God's Ears!

  3. SO glad you found a compassionate Dr., as you know, mine was "the good old fashioned" gut it out kind, it's been several years ago, and you're correct, barbaric, cruel, painful... Hopefully I will never need one again, if I do, I will SEEK a Dr. as compassionate as yours. I Pray and Pray this one "comes back" as well as the procedure went! All the best to you Michele! Love you - julia

  4. Glad to know there is another option, I had my first on Wednesday in a fashion similar to your first. Slightly different results, mine came back as AML. The idea of doing that again in ~ 2 weeks makes me cry just thinking about it. lidocaine doesn't help that - the incision part maybe, but the aspiration I thought I was going to pass out and tried to bite a hole through my pillow. Best of luck to you.

  5. And to you. I will pray for good results and INSIST on them knocking you out. It was SO simple, quick and painless. I would NEVER do it any other way.
    My best to you,

  6. I was diagnosed in Dec. '11, but wasn't knocked out at all. This Tuesday is my 6 month biopsy, I'm being sedated for sure since my dr. Told me I have really strong bones! Ha!
    What were your results?

  7. My latest PCR results show my Bcr-Abl slightly increasing; not happy about that!
    We are going to increase my Sprycel to 140mg 5 days a week. WE shaall see how this goes!
    My best to you,

  8. Dear Michele, I had the exact same situation yesterday. My BMB was without any pain meds, totally barbaric and when the doctor came to check on my, the nurse practitioner administering the test told him to GET OUT. I was crying and screaming out in pain, it was horrific. How is this considered to be acceptable patient care?

  9. I just had a bone marrow biopsy at Georgetown Univ Hospital in WashDC (Lombardi) yesterday and there was very little pain, just a bit of pressure, but very tolerable and only took about 5 minutes. Since diagnosed with NHL in 2010, I've learned that it all depends on the skill of the person performing the biopsy. With just a little numbing agent at the site, NP Katherine Niknia is a total whiz at BMBs. THe first time I got one in California it was 20 minutes of torture!

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