Do You Wear a Mask?

HealtheVoices 2018 invited me to attend their conference, as a patient advocate. I had no idea what I was getting into, but I knew that I must attend, in order to find out. The event was held in Chicago, and was attended by approximately 120 advocates, representing a plethora of health conditions.

You name it, it was represented!

It was a weekend full of sharing and caring; sharing our stories, our tips on how we get along and how we are empowered; by each other.

What I found, was that I was not alone on this journey;  living with a chronic condition, with a passion to help others.Of course, if I had thought about it, I would have realized that I was not unique; that the world is full of people, compelled to help others.

How awe-inspiring to be surrounded by so many of my peers.

One of the most apparent things that I observed, was that each and everyone of us possess the unique ability to wear a "mask". A mask that says, "I am okay, I am fine, I am great!" We wear this mask on the outside, to disguise how we feel on the inside; some may consider this, a mask of deception; but for me, it is a mask of survival.

You see, this mask is not just for everyone else, it is for me, too! Wearing my mask gives me the courage to keep going, it gives me the strength to put one foot in front of the other, every single day. It is a mask that says, "You are still you; you are NOT your cancer!"

Most days, this task is relatively simple, but trust me when I say, that this is not always the case. Some days, I just want to take the mask off; sit down and cry.

The very cool thing about HealtheVoices 2018, was that each and every one of us was able to take our masks off; for the entire weekend! We were with our "tribe" and we could be who we are, and those around us understood, and accepted us; struggles and all. It was amazing, it was inspiring and it was so necessary for all of us that advocate to others; in order to keep going.

It was a weekend of recharging our batteries, and I thank Jansen for this amazing opportunity!

                                     Why Do People Wear Masks?

1. To Hide Their Pain
2. To Avoid Disappointing Others
3. To Avoid Explanations
4. To Give Them Strength to Face Another Day
5. To Pretend They are Still Who They Were; Before Their Disease

Do you wear a mask?

What does your mask hide?

Follow me on Instagram @CMLMichele


  1. Because when you let your mask slip, people don't want to see you any more. I've lost many 'friends' already. So I put on my mask and I smile, yes I'm fine. And then I stay quiet.

    1. It is sad, huh? I have been lucky that I have really understanding friends. I am sorry Hanneke.


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