Birthday's are a Blessing: Especially While Living with a Chronic Cancer!

Today is my birthday; I am 59 years old!

While I may marvel at how quickly time has passed, I will not lament its' passing. Living with a chronic cancer has taught me that every moment, of every day, is a gift; a gift that I cherish. And instead of dreading, or cringing, at the impressively growing number of years which I have acquired, I will celebrate them; with great joy!

For me, the first thing that came to my mind when I was told that I had leukemia, was, "How much time do I have?" The second thought that came to my mind was, "I am not done, I am not ready; I cannot die!"

I was ready, willing and able to do whatever it was to stay alive! I wanted nothing more,  than to have more "time". I wanted to enjoy my grandchildren, and witness my grown children become "old"; like me! I wanted to travel the world with my husband, and soak up all things that life has to offer; both great and small.

You see, when faced with the possibility of an expiration date, that is more tangible than the unknown date,( because we are all going to die), you get the chance to bring that thought, to the forefront of your mind.

It is a reminder of the inevitable, a stark reminder that we all have expiration dates; being told "You have cancer" just puts that expiration date in BOLD. It gives those of us, who have heard those exact same words, a little different view on life.

Some may be bitter, others grateful, and others frozen in time.  It is not always easy, but it is always worth it!

Having a chronic cancer, (one that requires daily treatment) has taught me many things, it has allowed me many opportunities, and for that I am grateful. Is it something that I would have chosen?

No, but I embrace the challenge and will continue to celebrate my growing number of years, hopefully, for many years to come!

Happy Birthday to ME!!!


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