Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig!

Since we had the "essentials", we wouldn't have to go to town for a few days. High on the priority list was rest, a blood test and a chest x-ray.
Home had survived our extended absence, and was a welcoming site. The garden that Joe had planted before we left was thriving and our bed was more than inviting! I can honestly say that we have the most comfortable bed that I have ever slept in; so in that regard, there is no place like home!
Being home, I was reminded how extravagantly we, here in the United States, live. Our home is HUGE, in comparison to the average peoples' homes in Europe; that, coupled with the fact that we live on two acres, makes me feel almost guilty! We are so blessed to have the opportunities that we have here, in the States, but wonder if we are as happy, and live life as genuinely, as those that live with so much less? Food for thought....
At any rate, it feels good to be home, but I am pleased that I am still "dreaming" in the European landscape, I will miss being ensconced in the history, and architecture of all of the places that I have been.
I feel a longing to return and continue to explore places that are so very different from what I know. I knew that our trip was going to be amazing, but I had no idea how truly magical it was going to be.
When I was diagnosed with leukemia, six and a half years ago, I had to cancel a trip to Cabo San Lucas; I was devastated and wondered if I would ever be able to travel out of the country again. I also remember the first time that I flew to another city, close to home; I was terrified that something would go wrong and I would be too far away from home, and my doctors, to get help.
As time passed, and I became more and more stable, and used to the fact that living with cancer was my new "normal", I became braver, and more adventuresome. Planning this trip took a fair amount of faith, and inner belief, and strength.
When I first started planning the trip, that nagging little voice of reason kept popping into my head; what if............? Over and over, I squashed images of "something" happening, medically, while I was abroad, and finally I just threw caution to the wind, and put it in God's hands.
A few months prior to leaving on our five week journey, my pleural effusion kicked up into high gear. I wasn't sure whether or not I was actually going to be able to make it to Europe, but with the guidance of my oncologists, I did!
I had a few scary days along the way, and tried really hard NOT to think about how far away from home I was, and I tried my best to set my worries on a shelf.
Living with a chronic type of cancer should mean exactly that; LIVING! Squeezing every last drop out of the life you have, and pushing on; even when you feel you cannot. There will always be the days that your heart desires more than you body can deliver, and you must listen then, but there are also the days that your heart and soul triumphs over your body, and pushes you to take one more step.
I cannot tell you how taking this trip has made me feel. Spending time in Europe has always been a dream of mine, one that I thought I may never be able to fulfill, because of cancer. But cancer did not win this time! This trip has empowered me, it has given me the strength to take on anything thrown my way. It has lightened my heart and filled my soul with the endless possibilities that this life has to offer.
I plan to continue to Dance and Travel My Way Through Leukemia!
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