Things You Shouldn't Say To Someone With Leukemia

I did not write this, the credit goes to: "CallMeLucky" and I do think it is worth sharing!
Thanks to Pat Elliot for bringing it to my attention. A great thing to share during National Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month.

1) Do not tell people with leukemia about someone you know of who had leukemia and died. This goes for first hand knowledge, something from a movie or the paper and especially not a cousin of a friend who knew a guy....

2) Do not tell people with leukemia "they can cure that now". Again a sister-in-law's second cousin's co-worker is not a good reference.

3) Don't tell people with leukemia "but you don't look sick". As much as it's nice to know that we don't look as bad on the outside as we may feel on the inside, it kind of minimizes what we are going through. If the person with leukemia does look sick, you probably shouldn't tell them that either.

4) Don't tell people with leukemia "you're lucky, there's a pill for that". Unless you are taking the pill, shush...

5) Don't tell people with leukemia "you just need to stay positive". The only response to this statement should be "I am positive I have leukemia".

6) Don't tell people with leukemia they should start taking vitamins, herbs, coffee enemas, eating organic foods etc. We know eating healthy is important but we also know there are a lot of things we can't take. No vitamin is going to cure leukemia and the implication, whether you meant it or not, is that if we had done these things to begin with, we wouldn't have gotten leukemia in the first place.

7) Don't tell people with leukemia to "suck it up". If you do, expect to get a modified response of "you suck it".

Don't tell people with leukemia "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger". I should be able to lift a car over my head at this point, the fact is I am getting weaker, so please spare me the cliche.

9) Don't tell people with leukemia "it is what it is". Thanks for the deep philosophical thoughts, I know you think you're being deep, but you're just being dismissive.

10) Don't tell people with leukemia "so it's pretty much like diabetes, you just take your medicine and you're fine". Wow, you managed to marginalize not just one but two very serious diseases.

11) Don't tell people with leukemia "it could be worse". Once again aside from being incredibly dismissive, it makes us think about what could be coming around the corner.

12) Don't tell people with leukemia "we all have to die sometime". Really? Tell you what, you go first and let me know how it goes.


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