The Beginning of Hotel Ratings!

Since we travel so frequently, I have decided to start rating our hotel stays. I find it interesting that sometimes the least expensive hotels, have the best amenities. And these amenities are not the decor. They are the things that help make your stay more comfortable.

One of my greatest pet peeves is the lack of a hook on the back of a bathroom door. I hate the fact that there is no place to hang my clothing, prior to jumping into the tub, or shower. I know it is a small thing, but it really makes a big difference; so, I am going to start dancing my way through hotels, and give you a thumbs up, or a thumbs down!

I know that many hotels purchase their supplies online at places such as Peach Suite, and that is an extremely easy way to purchase hotel bar supplies, and to order your hotel supply online; but you should be certain to check the quality of these supplies before buying them in bulk. Atlanta hotel supply offer everything and anything that a hotel could possibly need.

So, stay tuned for further updates on our latest travels!


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