
Showing posts from May, 2011

Playing the Leukemia Card

Social Dancing and Awards; Leukemia be Damned!

Dancing with Leukemia; Competition Day

Eight Weeks Ago I was in a Hospital Bed Fighting Leukemia; Today I am Dancing at My First Event of the Year!

19 Days on 100mg of Sprycel; Guess what!

Nothing Like a Few Fresh Peaches, Flowers, Hummingbirds and the Garden to Cheer up My Mood!

Here We Go Again; 10 Days on 100 mg of Dasatinib(Sprycel)

Please sign this petition; It May Help to Save CML Patients Lives in the United Kingdom

Treatment of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

So, Just what is a Philadelphia Chromosome?

A Bit about Marrow, Blood and Blood Cells

Five Days on 100 mg of Sprycel; Is This Why My Hair is Falling Out?

Brothers and Sisters; And Everyone in Between

Today I Increase My Dasatinib (Sprycel) Dosage

Two Shots of Filgrastim (Neupogen) and I Feel Human Again

The Mad Dash for Filgrastim (Neupogen)

Leukemia the Beast!

Leukemia Still has the Upper Hand; The Downward Spiral Continues

The Beginning of the First Setback Since Being Diagnosed with Leukemia