Locks of Love

I had the greatest surprise ever this week; my daughter in law, single-handedly drove my four grandchildren, seven hours, in her min-van, to my house to celebrate the oldest one’s sixth birthday. If you do the math, you will realize that she drove four children under the age of six, just to come and see me. She is one brave woman and I cannot thank her enough. It was a great week full of baking cakes, making Halloween decorations and sewing headbands.

The kids were awesome and the week was a huge success. My daughter even managed to bring my grandson up for an overnight; it was the very first time that I ever had all of my grandchildren under the same roof, at the same time. And guess what? I didn’t even manage to get one picture of all of us, all together, in the same frame. Guess we will have to shoot for another visit!

While they were here, Aubrie, four years old, brought along the consequences of an impromptu haircut, from her neighboring four year old friend. A few weeks before their visit, Aubrie’s little friend whacked off the front of her hair, right down to the scalp. Her mom then took her for a “real” haircut. Since the girls are aware of my leukemia, and know that children can also get leukemia and lose their hair, Aubrie reluctantly allowed over ten inches of her hair to be cut, in order for it to be donated to “Locks of Love.” We actually sent it off in an envelope while they were here.Her haircut is adorable and her mother has made the cutest ever headbands to help hide the front part of her hair.

The headbands are so stinking cute; I have found that they also help to cover up my ever thinning hair, as well. I guess I can thank Aubrie for a new look! I will be posting the etsy link as soon as she gets up and running.
Thanks to the generosity of a friend and fellow dancer, my grandkids were able to spend a fabulous day at Disneyland while they were here, too. What a bright light in my life that week was; thank you, Sabrina!

I think that I have finally recovered from all of my excitement and shall be posting updates on blood work and other such things as the week progresses. Thanks for all of your continued prayers and support.


  1. Such gorgeous kids!!!! You are SO blessed Mama:)
    Didnt you just have Micheal a few years ago????? How does he have all those little ones....the years are flying!

  2. No kidding, huh? I can hardly believe that mine are grown, let alone having five grandchildren!!! Where did the time go?
    Miss you bunches!


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