Three Truths and a Lie

Being given a topic to write about can be difficult; how does one write three truths and a lie when you know that people are going to be reading; looking for the lie? I suppose that my first attempt at this will soon tell;

Since being diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia, two and a half years ago, my life really has not changed much at all. I still love the Lord, my husband and my family, and I still live each and every day to the best of my ability. I am still dancing, even though I have not been able to compete during this time; sometimes I miss it, sometimes I do not.

I know that it may be difficult for those of you that do not dance, to understand this, but having cancer is much like dancing; both are really difficult, yet extremely rewarding. Both require a whole lot of work, understanding and patience; yet they both create a stage for personal growth by teaching their students perseverance, determination, compassion and strength. They both are full of struggles and create a constant battle of trying to force your body to do things that it does not wish to do, and both can be extremely frustrating, bringing their students, to their knees.

There have been many times that walking onto a dance floor has led me to tears, and many times that a waltz down the oncology department’s halls has also led me to tears. But there have also been times that I have left the dance floor totally exhilarated, and many times that I have waltzed out of my oncologists office feeling as though I have slayed the dragon!

So, odd as it may sound, dancing is much like having cancer; but I will admit, I would much prefer a tough coaching session than a bone marrow biopsy!

Anyone find the lie?

This video was taken one month prior to my CML diagnosis; and I wondered "why" I was so winded! lol


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