Medical Expenses of Leukemia: I Need Your Help!

I suppose that since it is National Leukemia and Lymphoma Month, now would be a great time for me to begin freaking out about my medical insurance that resets on January 1st of every year. Since I have been self-employed, in one form or another for most of my adult life, I have never had the good fortune of being included in the benefits of an employer’s health insurance plan. I have had to purchase my own health insurance, which I have done through Anthem Blue Cross, for the past thirty years. Fortunately, I have had the wither-all and means in which to do so, despite the high rates and low benefits that have been available to me.

I have always figured that some health insurance is better than no health insurance at all, and since I have always been in great health, a catastrophic insurance plan has always been a good choice for me. A catastrophic health insurance plan is literally just that. It does not pay for the small medical instances such as a sore throat, flu of urinary tract infection, but does cover larger instances such as appendectomy’s, or in my case, cancer. The biggest drawback is the extremely high, yearly out of pocket expense. Last year, needless to say, I met that expense in one fell swoop; when I was admitted to the hospital, after being diagnosed with leukemia. Normally, this would not be an issue; I would have been hospitalized, cured and sent home. I would have had to pay one, great big, out of pocket insurance deductible. I would have recovered, picked myself up, dusted myself off and gotten right back to work!

The issue arises from the fact that my type of leukemia is not curable, only manageable, which means, extremely high medical costs that reset on a yearly basis. I will need to come up with a $5000 deductible at the first of every year for the rest of my life. This in addition to the many other out of pocket expenses and extremely high cost of my medication, has kept me up many a night; worrying.

I have been very blessed with random and surprising donations, and am extremely grateful to all of you that have helped me in my fight thus far. I have never been very good at asking for help of any kind, but I am afraid that I have been humbled by leukemia. I have found a few writing gigs and some sewing and cakes that need making, but I am afraid that none of these are yet profitable enough, to keep my head (and body for that matter), above ground for long. I have found some really cute bracelets that are cancer/leukemia related and I am going to try and sell them as somewhat of a fund raiser. They range in price from $15.00 to $18.00. If you simply wish to donate, there is a place to do so in my right column. Desperate measures require desperate times. Of course, I am also willing to consider any and all other options or opportunities offered to me.

For those of you that can and do, my humblest thanks. For those of you in the same boat, or even one with more holes in the bottom of it, you have my emotional support and empathy. And to all of you that just read and support me through encouragement and kind words, please know that I am eternally grateful. 

To order, just click on link below the picture. Thanks!

Click Here: Silver Tiffany Bangle Bracelet $18.00

Click here: Bangle Bracelet $18.00

Click here: Where There is Love Bracelet $15.00


  1. Michele - I am Praying so much that you are able to raise what you need! Things are difficult enough without the constant financial burden. Wishing you all the best - always, Julia

  2. Its a big goal Julia, and I am sure with all of the prayers I have working form me it will be met!

  3. Hi - I just stumbled over your blog, I'm a CML-survivor myself. Although I live in Denmark, where most of the healt system are for free, i still have to pay lots of money every february, when my "medicine-account" is reset.

    I really hope that you reach your goal. It's hard enough living with cancer without the medical costs!

  4. Thanks so much Nadja, when were you diagnosed?

  5. Where there is love, I like that one.

  6. Hey Beautiful, lovely sweet talented Michele...

    There are several birthdays coming up in October and I am buying or donating to you as a gift to my friends. I know they will appreciate that more than any store bought gift because it is so much more meaningful. I am sending a link to this page so they can choose a bracelet.

    Your bracelets & this request is a super idea and for me it is a 'Mitzvah'(good deed or acts of loving kindness) in Judaism to be able to help. As always you are in my special healing prayers with Tony, my Cousin Mark and others. The added financial burden on you is despicable considering this country of such abundance. I guess it has been said before about our health care system.

    But...God bless and I look forward to seeing you & Joe a week from Wed at Borderline. (This Wed is Rosh Hashanah.) (-;
    Oh JOYous One (as Lee calls me)

  7. Thank you Joy, that is so very sweet of you! Fundraising, and asking for help of any kind has never been a virtue of mine. Talk about a humbling experience!

  8. Hi. I was just messin around on Facebook when I came across your blog. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you, and when I get my bank account opened I'm going to do my best to order a few bracelets. It might be a few weeks, but I really want a couple of them. I really hope that you can reach your goal, and maybe things will work out for you. I know it's not easy. As long as you stay positive and have a little faith, things will work themselves out.


    1. Krysa,
      It is kindness from strangers; like yourself that uplift me and keep me going on a daily basis.

      Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and for reading my blog!

      Best to you,

  9. Just ordered my bracelet. I encourage you to not get discouraged in this difficult journey! You're in my thoughts and prayers and I've spread the word about your blog. Continue to stay positive and fight on!

  10. Hi Kayla,

    Thank you so much for your order! our bracelet is going in the mail today!!

    Thank you so much for your support and for spreading my blog.

    Blessings to you,

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