Cancer Sucks!

Tomorrow, the plan is to head to the Palm Springs Summer Dance Classic. I am looking forward to the event because I am not competing! We are teaching two classes and I might do a Jack & Jill or two, but overall, it is a low stress level dance event! Whoo Hoo!

Of course, as luck or fate would have it, yesterday I started having sharp pains in my abdomen, below my right rib cage. They are not constant or excruciating; they are just there. It seems that they are worse when I breathe deeply. Today I am a bit nauseous and my head feels like it feels sometimes when I am taking off in an airplane. What the heck does all of this mean?

Of course, if I did not have cancer, I probably wouldn’t think a whole lot about it, and would probably just wait and see what happens over the next few days. But since I do, I guess I have become a bit of a worry wart. I wonder whether or not these symptoms are drug or cancer related.

The good news is that my wonderful doctor is available by email. He gave me a get out of free jail card for my Sprycel, for a few days, to see what happens. He also said that he wanted to see me on Monday if I do not feel better. The vacation from Sprycel is very exciting. I am hoping and praying that whatever is going on disappears and that I regain some energy and have a great time in Palm Springs; dancing till dawn. My inner voice keeps shouting gall bladder or liver so I am just keeping my fingers crossed. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired!

Luckily, I will be right down the street from my original doctor in Palm Springs….just in case!


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