Christmas in February!

We have been home for three weeks and one day and all of my Christmas decorations are still up! There are many reasons for this; the first being that since we were gone from the beginning of December, until the third week in January we really did not get much of a chance to enjoy them. The second reason is that it took me the better part of two weeks just to catch up with “life” after being away from home for so long, and the third reason is that I just cannot seem to get motivated enough, to actually start the long process of taking them down!

I look around and just become overwhelmed; besides, they look really pretty! I love the lights on the trees and anything with a snowman or snowflake, always makes me smile. I also enjoy the spirit of Christmas and like to be reminded of the “Hope” and “Faith” that are forefront, during the Christmas season.
I like to be reminded to “BELIEVE” and that there is always magic and miracles in our midst. I like seeing angels hanging on my tree and even love the “jolly” Santas and elves. Christmas is a time for Goodwill and Cheer and is something that should remain within all of us, throughout the year, so maybe I should just become a year round home, full of Christmas joy!

I wonder how Joe would feel about this. Hmmmmm…..maybe I should focus and get this holiday cheer packed away before Valentine’s Day! 


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